Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Road Trip - Port Hedland

Day 26 - Day 32

Off to Port Hedland a few hundred kms to travel the kids travelled well and had some nice long sleeps. The drive along the Newman road was impressive through the national park ranges and then the country opens up to flat plains and in the distance you can see more rocky ranges.

Clint saw some funny sights...dead cow on one side of the road and busted up car on the other, he said it looked like a madmax scene as there were clothes and bits and pieces splattered all around the car, he wanted to stop and take pictures but he thought I was looking at him funny like WHAT THE? Yeah I kinda was. Further up the road was another bigger dead cow and the other side of the road was a smashed up holden commodore. Looked like the cow was hit, flew up in the air and then landed on the windscreen. We didnt get a picture of that either maybe next time I said.

As we approached Port Hedland we hit the roadworks!!! More red dust and lazy ass contractors, we headed straight to the fuel station as we were on empty, we had filled $20 at the auski roadhouse half way from Karijini to port hedland but the price of fuel at Auski was 169 per litre so we waited(we are getting good on this fuel thing).

We stayed at Cooke Point Caravan god $60 per night!!! They said things were expensive here but hold up...we did bring our own house!! So thats it Clint says, run the aircon, run the shower, let the kids run freely and we'll get our moneys worth.

We are getting the car serviced on Friday so Clint booked us in for seven days so he could also watch the grandfinal. After we checked in we had a look at Port Hedland and then went in search of fast food. I thought I saw a kids drinking a HJ's drink but later found out that it was Macca's (we dont eat maccas). They had Chicken Treat which we scoffed down like no tomorrow. (we ran out of bread in Karijini so we couldnt make any sandwiches for the drive) Then I noticed that the shops were open!!! We headed over for some retail therapy just walking around and looking at camping things as we plan to go tenting in the Northern Territory. We headed back to the park and Titch popped in for a visit as he works here. It was good to see someone from home.

Yippee today we bought a fiser & Paykel washing machine and an Engel fridge, I must of done 6 loads of washing such a relief. $4 a load and the machines are full of other peoples detergents is just crappy. Now our clothes and towels are a lot softer. Clint loves the Engel fridge and it fit in the car. He ended up getting the bigger Engel than he originally wanted which was the 80 litre fridge and freezer, it even gets colder than the fridge inside the van.

Today was catch up day we went to mum uncle & aunty mac's place and all the cousins and their kids were there. I hadnt seen them for years and it was excellent to see them again, they were all so happy that we dropped in. We also had lunch made for us which was a banquet of rice, curry, noodles, soya chicken wings and chicken drummies, so yummy.

After lunch we headed to Rob & Sjaan Morrisons for a BBQ (they are friends of Brock and Rodneys) I have known Rob since under 8's footy when Brock used to play. Rob is a train driver for FMG and his wife Sjaan is due for her baby on Brocks birthday, so any day now. Titch was there and they had a neighbour over Lene and she was a really nice person. The kids went for a swim in their pool and Isla jumped in the dogs pool(it was clean and fresh water) with her clothes on!! They have a really nice house and the baby's room was just gorgeous!!! Rob had just bought Sjaan a 200 Series Landcruiser the same as ours BLACK and they both were dying to check out ours when we got there. They loved it and were looking forward to their deliveries!! We had a lovely dinner and chatted for quite a few hours before heading back to camp, Oh and the pavlova I love pavlova, thanks guys.

Today Clint washed the car first up and then Rob & Sjaan came over to take us on a tour of Port Hedland. They took us to the wharf were there was a crocodile made of steel and there was some ships coming into the wharf. We went past the Wandin Valley hospital (thats what Sjaan called it) where she is having the baby. The baby hadnt dropped when we first saw her, but after the night we were there with the kids the baby had dropped and locked in according to the doctor when they had the scan the next day!! The baby must of wanted to know what all the noise was about and was on its way out. We went out to Pretty Pool where Rob and Sjaan had just got married very beautiful spot, its where the ocean meets a pool of water and separates with a sand bar. Then we went to Finucane Island and we passed Rob's Train that he works on, that was so cool such a long train. When we got home we had a swim with the kids, its 35 during the day but the pool is freezing cold, doesnt bother the kids though, purple lips and shivering they still swim.

Funny story when we arrived in port hedland Shelby was screaming at me about a washing line. I didnt know what she was going on about and because I saw the giant salt hills and she asked me whether that was the washing powder I just assumed she was spinning another one of her yarns. Later in the day when we passed the same spot we noticed a washing line in the middle of nowhere in an empty salt bath, with a few clothes hanging off them. We realised this is what she saw and we all were in hysterics laughing even Shelby, so it was a bit of a laughing point whenever we passed it.

Grand final day stayed in and watched the footy. Made a nappy cake for Sjaan.

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