Friday, February 5, 2010


We had an overnight stay in MARSDEN REST Stop which is just off the main highway about 70kms from Forbes. Here we met up with Uncle Bill and Aunty Rachael as they were heading to Coffs Harbour for a few days to see Aunty Rachael's cousin.

It's always great staying at a free camp always very peaceful although here the temperature was 40 degrees at 6pm and didnt change much through the night! (Well it felt like it) and the flies so many of them!

We were having a nice night of drinks under the stars and the kids were playing in their coloured buckets full of cold water. All was good until it was time to go to bed when Isla seemed very hot so I checked her temperature and yes she was scorching at 38 degrees, I dosed her with panadol and she went off to sleep until about 2am when she was still quite warm so I sat up with her for quite a few hours hoping not to have to go to hospital. I wet a few flannels and bathed her and it bought her temp down to an acceptable level before I fell asleep with her around 4ish. It had been a long days driving the day before and we were all very tired.

The next morning although very tired all seemed well so it was goodbye to Bill and Rachael and off to Forbes we went.

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