Friday, February 5, 2010



We spent New Years here and it was very nice, right on the border of VIC and NSW with just a river separating the states.

At the caravan park there was only river water to use, so we couldnt drink it. It was ok to brush your teeth. So we showered in river water (not in the river for those of you thinking, just the water running through the pipes) and washed our clothes in the river water too. It was ok didnt change the colour of our clothes even the whites stayed white.

It rained New Years Eve it was a summer stormy night with thunder and lightning very exciting to watch. We put our coloured plastic buckets out to catch the rain water, we used the rainwater for the washing machine to wash the clothes.

The kids had a ball as the Andersons from Broome met up with us here and the kids just amused themselves playing with each other, riding their bikes and gave us a break.

Highlight besides the company was visiting the RSL in Barham, 3 nights in a row we went because the food was the very good AND they had a kids playground in a locked in area!!! You beauty. Gave us a chance to eat our dinner without interuptions.

We were also on a mission to find Sue P's aunty Bev who lives in Barham and we did. We had her address but wasnt sure about knocking on the door and giving her a fright but when we walked past her house and back again she was down the side of her house waiting for her grandaughter to pick her up for Bingo!! Slade went right up to her and asked her if she was Aunty Bev and although she looked a bit puzzled she answered with a yes.

After Barham we went to Echuca which is on the VIC side of the border and after Side Swippin a Ford Laser (of Old John Foote resident of the Barham Caravan park)before we left. You dont want to know...ok I'll tell you..

The caravan park was a bit of a tight squeeze for our 31footer and as we were leaving it seemed like we had escaped unscathed until...Clint heard a noise and said 'What was that?' Now, I saw the little ford parked where it shouldn't have been but it looked like there was no problem getting around which it wasnt until we made the sharp turn left. Thats when Clint heard the noise, and the first thing that came out of my mouth was its ok just keep driving, in my mind I was hoping something just fell on the floor in the caravan and made a load thump. I could not accept that we just hit this old mans car. With Clints guilt he stopped right out the front of john's van where he happended to be sitting right out the front!! Clint got out and checked the damage and we had just clipped his laser with our back bullbar. Clint was very apologetic but I on the other hand was not!! He did state that he saw that we were leaving and thought about moving his car but thought it would be ok!!!! Hence the reason for me not admitting fault (this may be due to me working in the car insurance industry or just being a B&^*!. So we swapped details and so on and so on.

We convoyed to Echuca with a lunch stop at Erin and Baz's mums place in Kerang.

WE arrived in busy Echuca the place was a buzz with teenagers. We only stayed a couple of nights. We visited the Historic Port, Holden Museum and the beer shed.

The Historic Port was really good, the port was all filled with paddle steam boats, an old blacksmith and other oldie day shops. There was a guy who had a trained cocky and Slade had him on his shoulder which he thought was pretty cool as the guy pretended to shoot the bird and the bird fell over and pretended to be dead, brilliant!!

See pics of Barham

See pics of Echuca

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