Friday, February 5, 2010



I was really looking forward to seeing Aunty Rachael and Uncle Bill and showing them all the kids. I hadnt seen them in 5 years and they hadnt seen Isla as yet. I had been to Renmark a couple of times when I was younger but I was keen to show Clint and the kids. It is house boat central it gets very busy at holiday times. We were lucky to be able to fit the van out the back of Uncle Bills house it was a huge backyard and we had plenty of room. A little tight getting in the gate but once it was in, it was in.

WE only had five days in Renmark as we were meeting up with Kellie and Gareth for New Years in Barham but we had a really good time and I miss them heaps. The kids thought they were the best and they spoiled them with love and hugs and keeping them entertained. Uncle Bill even let Shelby paint his toenails with blue and yellow paint. He forgot that she had done it and went out and wondered why these guys were looking at him funny. Shelby had a great time pampering him and he sat there quietly like a good customer. Slade got to ride his bike and the backard was big enough for him to ride around although he was happier just riding it on the concrete and doing burnouts. Isla got her prams out and gave all her dollies a long overdue walk. It was quite warm in the 40's but aunty rachael soon fixed that and filled up buckets of water with bubbles to keep the kids cool.

One thing that bugged us while we stayed there was one early morning we heard short sharp bangs like a gun going off every couple of seconds!! Turns out these bangs keep the birds away from the fruit trees!! Cant you use a SCARECROW!! Apparently not as the birds have caught on that they are fake!! These bangs are slow leaks of gas that drip down to something like gunpowder and go off like a gun going off. Really nice to wake up too...NOT.

In the evenings after the kids went to bed, we would sit outside for drinks and chats. This is when Uncle Bill introduced us too Satellitle watching. At their place it is so dark at night that you can see some many more stars than ever before and this makes satellite spotting really cool. Some are really bright and some go really fast, we would count how many we saw at night and it was really fun to see who spotted them first. On our travels we continued to do this on the really dark nights.

We went for a day trip to Mildura to see Peter Stella and Amy and it was Amy's 3rd birthday so we got to go to the party which was really fun for the kids and great for me to meet Stella and see Pete. They had a beautiful old house with the high ceilings and all the rooms were really big. Peter had done some renovations and added a room out the back which looked great. Amy was a real cutie pops and she got along with the kids just lovely. Stella was pregnant and expecting number 2 in April and we wished them well for their arrival.

We caught up with Rick a few times, although he was quite busy with his NEW girlfriend!! We hope this works out for him. The day before we left Rick came over to show us the damage to his commodore after a tree fell on it. No storms or wind it just fell on it. He was not impressed and was thinking of taking it up with the council until we pointed out the other dents in his car - might not get a look in Rick.

Uncle Bill and Aunty Rachael have a hobbie were they go out Kayaking, they have their own Kayaks with peddles and Aunty Rachael has a lily pad shelter over hers to keep the sun off. It was so cute. Uncle Bill was keen to take us out for a go and he was rather interested in seeing how Slade went in them. No worries there, Slade had his life jacket on and was ready to go. We went out into the back waters of the Murray river which was muddy but good for the kayaks. Slade needed little or no instructions and he was off pedalling. Uncle Bill was rather impressed to see him out there steering and pedalling like he had been doing it for years. I had a go and yes it was good for the old calf muscles, Clint took the girls on the back of uncle Bills kayak and they loved it!! Couldnt get them off it until Aunty Rachael took them for a swim in the river and they enjoyed that too. We took the coloured rubber buckets and filled them with river water to keep the girls cool as it was another 41 degree day.

We had a River walk on the banks of the Murray River in Renmark and we had fish and chips. We took the kids bikes down and they got to have a nice long ride. We then headed home as we were getting bitten by mozi's.

We wished we could of stayed longer but it was time to hit the road.

See all the pics at

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