Sunday, November 1, 2009

Broome Proposal

Finally, after nearly 15 years the man proposed to the woman and she lovingly accepted. It was a saturday morning with the kids eating their breakfast in the perfect location of Broome. The wedding date to be confirmed when dream location is found.

Broome... it really is a hard place to leave, everything about it is great. But all good things must come to an end and our journey must continue and now I have a mission to find my dream wedding location.

Our friends the Andersons left on Friday but not without a drama. As they were driving off and Gareth was doing final checks he noticed that Baxter's window was smashed so after a quickie repair they said goodbye and hit the road. We hope to catch up with them in SA for christmas and if not we will just land on their doorstep in Ballarat.

We had a final dinner at the Roey again!! Just to celebrate the engagement. The picture below is of a Gargoyle that sits in the Roey garden and Isla was terrified of it until Grandad convinced her it was a nice gargoyle and after 3 times going here for dinner she was starting to look away for a minute.

We left on Tuesday pretty late because we had to check the mail and it took awhile to pack all our gear away and to remember how to tuck everything away for the travel. Then it was the goodbyes and because we had been in Broome for so long and almost became locals everyone was bailing us up to say goodbye, which was lovely as we had met so many very nice people all doing the same thing as us. WE said goodbye to Grandad and Fran they are heading the opposite direction. It was great to catch up but unfortunately the adventure must continue.

We will now journey onto Darwin hoping to get there before the very wet season.

Our first stop was Fitzroy Crossing we got there about 5pm in the afternoon and it was still 39 degrees. Me and the kids headed straight to the pool at the caravan park which was about 1km away!! By the time we walked back to the caravan we were dry again. They had really good sites for the larger vans it was a drive through, no backing in skills required.

We had an ant invasion while we were here too. We were told about stepping out of the van at night and having cows on your doorstop and when we woke in the morning there were some lovely large cowpats outside the vans as well as a herd of cattle wandering around the park. I took the kids for a walk around the park and they were mooing the cars and the caretaker was chasing them away in a landcruiser. The kids went over to the lady caretaker and asked her why they were scaring the cows away and she explained the mess that they make and how all the mummies and daddies dont like their kids having cow poos on their thongs. They were happy with that reasoning and after a little chat with here we all got ourselves ready to go. We left very early as we were heading to Kununarra and it was a long long drive with over 700kms.

We considered staying in Halls Creek but the caravan park looked like a 50 year old mine site, red and dirty so we continued on. We saw the turnoff sign to 'Wolf Creek' but I was still spooked from the movie. A big crater in the middle of nowhere...nice yes amazing seen it on the tube, not on my 'to do list'. Continue on driver. The scenery along the way was beautiful, lots of hills and aussie bushland. After 10 hours in the car we finally arrived in Kununarra's Big 4 Caravan Park.

I liked Kununarra 20 years ago and I still like it now. Its a small place with a few things to see besides the locals. We saw a beautiful sunset and went out to Lake Argyle which is a huge lake of water that seems to be wasted in the town of Kununarra. The caravan park caretakers encourage you to let the water run all day, wash your car, your van, your clothes yourself. Its no wonder they have the best fruit which includes my favourite the mango!! Heaps and heaps of mango farms but not quite ready for picking. They have a few boab trees here too which the kids thought would make a good cubby.

The Big4 park had a nice swimming pool which was covered, and the kids had a ball turning the spa on and off. Slade met the usual couple of girls in the pool. Funny, he was talking to this one girl and she was talking back and after a couple of conversations Slade asked her why she talked funny. Her mother told him that they did not speak english and that they were Flemish??? I had never heard of that but it was something to do with the dutch. Anyway Slade just shrugged and kept on talking to her. It was rather funny to listen to them. She didnt stay long after that and then another young girl about the same age took his fancy. They played in the pool for about an hour then her parents wanted to go sightseeing and after a huge hissy she had because she had just made a friend and you always do to this to me she went off kicking yelling out 'I'll be back Slade'.

Its only 30kms to the border of NT/WA and then the time changes to an hour and a half. This will be interesting with the kids. But I suppose it wont be the first time change we will have to deal with.

Next stop is Katherine and we only stayed overnight as we were keen to get up to Darwin and feel the humidity...not. Katherine gave us a taste of it and along with humidity comes ANTS my favourite little bug better off squashed! It must of been dole day when we arrived in Katherine as it was spot the whitey. We gave the thermal pools a miss after the Andersons story about the locals doing their business in there and that is not worth swimming with.

Here is a link to some of the photos

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