Sunday, November 1, 2009


Went to Willie Creek Pearl farm very interesting and also went on a chopper ride with Shelby, Slade and Clint. Grandma watched Isla while we went up for 15 mins.
Did a bit of touristy shopping with grandma in Chinatown then went to pearl luggers. this was interesting as it was all about the history of Broome and the pearling industry.

We went for a nice walk through the Cable Beach Resort Gardens, we followed a family in undetected and snooped our way through and then had dinner at the bar watching the sunset over cable beach.

We then went down to the Mudflats and watched the moonrise. At certain times of the year when the full moon rises off the mangrove mudflats, the moon reflects giving of what looks like a stairway to the moon. Very very cool but you do need a steady hand or camera on a tripod to get the best picture. Isla got eaten alive by mozi's but no-one else did, they like her fresh baby blood.

We went for a early morning Camel Ride down on Cable Beach, the kids were a little excited and nervous all at once but once they got going we couldnt get them off. Got some nice photos. Went for a swim and then said goodbye to grandma that was sad saying goodbye again.

We have been doing some school work but I was a little concerned with slade as some of the work has been a bit too basic for him and he was losing interest. I spoke with the teacher and she suggested moving Slade and Shelby up a level. She also said that the program has not been changed since the school ages changed and that most kids were 6 months behind, so moving them up would bring them into line with the WA education. This will be good as I wont have to rush it either. Still I would prefer to have them in school but you cant have everything.So we finished of our set 10 which didnt take long and when we get to Darwin we will start on the year 1 for Slade and Preprimary for Shelby. They enjoy the activities and any cooking lessons. They received certificate each for their work on set 9 so that was a great motivator.

The kids have been swimming like fish, they have pretty much taught themselves to swim and shelby dives to the bottom of the pool very easily. Isla doesnt wear floaties she jumps in the pool with her noodle and floats around like a baby fish. Slade of course is in and swimming like a champion, he gets his snorkelling gear out that Aunty Shona bought him for his birthday and practices using it.

Well alot has happened between day 61 and day 62, we have hooked ourselves up with a family, Kellie and Gareth Anderson and they have 4 beautiful boys who are similar ages to ours and we have been hanging out and having laughs. The kids names are Jack (7) Finn (4) Wiley(3) Baxter(13mths). The kids get along really good which is a handy thing when you are travelling. We spend every night after the kids go to bed reflecting on the days dramas drinking and telling stories. As a matter of fact and dont tell Granma my, we have been drinking everynight um er.

We have done a lot fishing out at Barred Creek about 30kms from Broome. Beaut spot on the beach. WE drive right on the beach which is really cool, you dont have to cart everything over sandunes you just need to pull up, get out and fish (that doesnt include chasing kids, feeding them and toilet breaks, if I said that it wouldnt sound so attractive). We do a bit of hardcore 4 wheel driving through the sandunes, the kids love it and so do I. We see alot of marine life on the beach too, on one day we saw turtles, sharks and a stingray came right up to the shore where we were standing and also an octopus. I was catching live bait for the others catching real fish but the kids loved it as I was catching them quite quickly so the kid were making fish farms and then the live bait became dead bait.

Another time we took Grandad and Fran out to Barred Creek for some 4 Wheel driving they also enjoyed themselves except for some of the bumpy boggy tracks. Grandad was the only one to catch a real fish home is was a Long tom, tasty too. OUr Black Magic beast has some severe scratching down the sides from our 4x4 driving. The first time Clint went out with only Slade and Gareth and his boys,when they came back and Clint showed us the damage, shelby put her hands on her hips and scolded Gareth "Look what you have done to our car!" She was not impressed until she got a chance to go out there and then it was fun!!

There was a major bushfire in Broome about 12 mile from where we were. It was really smokey. Fesa even had to close the highway into Broome and this is when Grandad was meeting us in Broome and they had to stay the night out at the roadhouse with about another 20 or so vanners. They opened the road briefly early in the morning and then closed it again in the afternoon, luckily Grandad got a chance to get through to the park.

Rochelle and her boyfriend Matt arrived in Broome on the 17th, they stayed for 5 days I picked them up from the airport and dropped them off. They did alot of touristy tours while they were here and I also got a chance to be waxed!! I was starting to look a bit carny.

On a nice windy night we ventured down to Cable Beach to watch the sunset with the Andersons and Grandad and Fran. Whilst we were sitting there Rochelle went by on her evening sunset camel ride, the kids got all excited and were running and waving.

Ok we starting to become a bit local now at this park, we have made and meet so many people all fantastic. Slade has found himself a girlfriend her name is Evie cute little thing, lives in the park in a gigantic 5th Wheeler, Shelby has a found herself a HUSBAND which is Jack, Kellie and Gareths' eldest son. We have been to the Roey which is the hotel in chinatown, we have had dinner there 3 times now, best surf and turf I have ever had!!! Yummo. We have great neighbours on the other side, benny, graeme, Shaley and Zoe they were lovely people from Qld they were sad when we told them we had to go.

We tried out another fishing spot Crab Creek, Clint caught himself a shark and a couple of cobbler (catfish), Slade caught a brim, Gareth caught a shark, Fran caught a Salmon.

Slade got himself a nasty rash on his butt whilst Gma was here, started off as what looked like a mozi bite but then spread. I had to take him to the doctors and they feared he may have got herpes!! but it turned out to be only school sores, cured with some antibiodics and heavy duty cream.

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